Hans Aschim is a PNW-based writer, creative consultant, and published author. Formerly of NYC, Hans brings a lifetime of global ski, surf, and general adventure experience.

Tested on the rugged backroads and singletrack of British Columbia, this kit goes fast, far, and looks good along the way

Just across the Howe Sound from Metro Vancouver, this minimalist, wellness-focused getaway cabin feels more outside than "inn"

A generous guide for lifelong waterman and beginner surfers alike, including where to go, what to ride, and what seasons to plan on paddling out

The Pro Team Gore-Tex Infinium bike jersey is a shield of close-fitting armor for foul and frigid weather
With more than 300 pages of photos and journalism, the book is a visual homage to surf culture's leading publication, which prematurely closed in 2020

Canada’s original outdoor gear store digs into the archives for their latest line of limited edition outerwear and apparel

The notably outdoorsy illustrator and Designer lends his uniquely bold and playful artwork to two sets of adventure-ready skis, and then some

Aptly titled "Liquid Horizons" presents an abstracted, emotive body of work born of a life at sea

Ideal for travel (whenever that returns) and sustainable, made with recycled materials and clever packable design

Veteran pros, snowboarder Austin Smith and skier Eric Pollard, aim to shake up an aging industry with new snow sliding equipment company

Splitboarding, ski touring, and guided avalanche training deep in the remote Tobacco Root Mountains with Big Sky Backcountry Guides

A thorough test of the illusive setup, from inbounds at Alta to the backcountry of Montana's Tobacco Root Mountains