The soft melody of rain coaxed me into resting just a little bit longer. It’s hard to leave a warm sleeping bag in such conditions. Laziness gave way to excitement and I found myself leaving Port Townsend in pursuit of all that the coast had to offer.
I’ve dreamed of this trip for awhile now and today it all begins. My directions were simple: “South on 101”, so I hopped onto the highway and looped my way around the Olympic Peninsula, hitting all the best spots on the way and camping down forest roads. The best beaches in Washington are reached by foot so I put mine to the ground and wove myself through the pine needle trails until they turned to sand. I spent my last night in Washington at Second Beach before heading south in the morning.
Oregon greeted me with fishing piers and run down espresso drive-throughs. A couple of days in, about when I hit Pacific City, I was met with a persistent fog that followed me down the coast for the next three days. Being from Texas this wasn’t something I was used to, so I took advantage of the tranquility it brought.