By now, plenty of prefab cabins have graced these metaphorical pages. Many are sustainable, some are on wheels, and a couple even fold. But none have looked quite like Belgium’s Tortiga cabin, modular units that like their name, are reminiscent of a turtle. Albeit, a very stylish turtle.
Launched in 2020, the Tortiga team is comprised of product developers, architects, interior designers, and 3D artists who are clearly bringing their creativity to the table. The models feature perhaps the widest variety of cladding we’ve seen yet, ranging from short steel, aluminum, rock panel, natural wood, to mirror (great for your Instagram, not for surrounding wildlife). Stressing customization, the company claims both interior and exterior options are “endless” however, so get your creative juices flowing, too.

The Tortigas unique domed frame serves more than just looks. For one, it makes the structure naturally durable against inclement weather. And second, it provides a solid acoustic performance. For this reason, the company suggests using a Tortiga as an office, meeting room, or for more creative projects, like a recording studio or rehearsal space. (Of course, a backyard—or backcountry—cabin would do just fine, too.)
In addition to their durable frame, Tortigas are made with eco-certified materials. The company even reuses units if a cabin is dismantled.

Inside, Tortigas express just as much variety as their exteriors. Clients have the option to keep the interior wood natural or paint it their desired color. Glass panels can be added as skylights or floor-to-ceiling windows. Add a bathroom, or make the whole Tortiga a mini-sauna. Custom furniture can be built too, like the bed frame featured in recent models.

Beyond their mix and match options, Tortiga cabins are modular and can be expanded by oen meter units, or linked together to create a super Tortiga. Their smallest model is 12 x 18 ft and is designed to fit two comfortably, with a price starting around $32,400 USD. Thankfully, the company ships internationally. If you happen to be in Belgium, or nearby, you can test-drive a Tortiga for a couple of nights at the company's own glamping site Cabins in Beervelde Park.
While Tortigas may not be suited for rustic off-grid living, they bring a certain levity into the ever-growing collection of prefab cabins options. Playful and creative, these turtles are sure to turn heads and bring some whimsy into your life.

Published 07-01-2021